Raleigh sign in the snow

Raleigh sign in the snow

Les Misérables lighting on Raleigh Memorial Auditorium

Les Misérables lighting on Raleigh Memorial Auditorium

Raleigh Bokeh

Raleigh Bokeh

Two workers rappel to replace the RBC Plaza's sign

Two workers rappel to replace the RBC Plaza's sign

Foggy night in Raleigh

Foggy night in Raleigh

Confused trees bloom in February in Cameron Village

Confused trees bloom in February in Cameron Village

Looking down Fayetteville Street at Les Misérables lighting

Looking down Fayetteville Street at Les Misérables lighting

Welding sparks on the PNC sign structure

Welding sparks on the PNC sign structure

Lights on in the Raleigh First Presbyterian bell tower

Lights on in the Raleigh First Presbyterian bell tower

RBC / PNC Plaza hides its face

RBC / PNC Plaza hides its face

City Plaza towers with the Raleigh Sheraton

City Plaza towers with the Raleigh Sheraton

A man works on replacement the RBC Sign in Raleigh

A man works on replacement the RBC Sign in Raleigh

A group of workers prepare the north face of RBC Plaza for its new PNC Sign

A group of workers prepare the north face of RBC Plaza for its new PNC Sign

Installation work for the PNC Sign on the north face of RBC Plaza

Installation work for the PNC Sign on the north face of RBC Plaza

A lone winter night in the City of Raleigh

A lone winter night in the City of Raleigh

Snow on the early spring daffodils

Snow on the early spring daffodils

Different Raleigh skyline angle from Tilden Street

Different Raleigh skyline angle from Tilden Street