A look at the city at night and following day after this happened.

Abandoned cars litter South Saunders Street with downtown Raleigh looming

Abandoned cars litter South Saunders Street with downtown Raleigh looming

Ice covered stop sign and street signs at Dorothea Dix

Ice covered stop sign and street signs at Dorothea Dix

Ice glazes trees at Dorothea Dix on February 13, 2014

Ice glazes trees at Dorothea Dix on February 13, 2014

Downtown Raleigh Skyline at night with snow

Downtown Raleigh Skyline at night with snow

Winter icy trees with downtown Raleigh

Winter icy trees with downtown Raleigh

Ice covered tree branch in Raleigh

Ice covered tree branch in Raleigh

Caraleigh Mills in the Snow and Ice

Caraleigh Mills in the Snow and Ice

Old House on Dorothea Dix campus in the snow and ice

Old House on Dorothea Dix campus in the snow and ice

Icy Road signs in Raleigh

Icy Road signs in Raleigh

Black and White abandoned cars in the snow with Raleigh skyline

Black and White abandoned cars in the snow with Raleigh skyline

Downtown Raleigh fades into the sky with snow and ice

Downtown Raleigh fades into the sky with snow and ice

Old trees covered in ice in Raleigh

Old trees covered in ice in Raleigh

Downtown Raleigh after snow and ice at night

Downtown Raleigh after snow and ice at night

Stop sign with hexagonal ice formation

Stop sign with hexagonal ice formation

Icy pine

Icy pine

Cars abandoned after the snow and ice storm of February 12, 2014 in Raleigh

Cars abandoned after the snow and ice storm of February 12, 2014 in Raleigh

Downtown Raleigh Ice Storm Landscape

Downtown Raleigh Ice Storm Landscape

Winter Wonderland at Dorothea Dix on February 13, 2014

Winter Wonderland at Dorothea Dix on February 13, 2014

Image 3068

Image 3068

Downtown with glazed trees

Downtown with glazed trees