February 22, 2020 | Switch to thumbnails
Snowy scene with bright yellow daffodils
Raleigh Skyline after the snow of February 20, 2020
Raleigh daffodils in the snow at Dix Park
Sunrise view of downtown Raleigh on February 21, 2020 with snow
Slushy Fayetteville Street on February 20, 2020
Snowy trees at sunrise with downtown Raleigh
Before sunrise snow from Dix Park
Raleigh during the snowfall of February 20, 2020
Snow on the ground with Raleigh Skyline 2020
A resilient daffodil remains upright in today's melting snow at Dix Park.
After the snow from Dix Park
Raleigh City cemetery path in the snow
Snowman at Dix Park with downtown Raleigh skyline
Railroad tracks in the snow
NC State Capitol during the snowfall of February 20, 2020
Daily planet in the snow
Snow covered daffoldills at Dix Park on February 21, 2020
Raleigh Krispy Kreme Donut sign in the snow
Raleigh City cemetery view of the skyline in the snow
Boylan Bridge Skyline in the snow 2020
Downtown Raleigh after the snow stopped
Snow covered trees with downtown Raleigh
Snowy Raleigh Skyline 2020