CAPTRUST Tower at North Hills East, Raleigh, NC
January 11, 2010
Swings at the NC State Fair
November 24, 2009
Archdale peeks over the NC Legislative Building
March 25, 2009
Fall Colors from NC State Campus
November 20, 2008
Downtown Raleigh from Cox Hall at NC State
NC Capitol Building.
September 29, 2008
Downtown Raleigh, NC from the Boylan Avenue Bridge.
August 28, 2008
Barack Obama in Raleigh, NC
August 20, 2008
Television network coverage of Barack Obama in Raleigh, NC
Greeting the people of Raleigh, NC
Skyline from Wake Forest, NC
May 19, 2008
Looking north on Fayetteville street towards the NC State Capitol at night.
April 9, 2008
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